Sunday, September 12, 2010

Dr. Stuart McGill, PhD seminar, Denver, Colorado

I just returned from Denver, Colorado where the Chiropractors of Colorado held their state convention. Yes, the chiropractors and me. There were actually other professionals there as well.

Regarding the presenter, Dr. McGill, he was absolutely fantastic and unbelievable. I was exhausted but learned loads and the clients I train, and the trainers I teach will be receiving this information as best I can. The research he has conducted and the impact he has had on many disciplines has been enormous.

I encourage all to study his work and utilize the information for the betterment of all those who are weak in the lumbo-pelvic area or have been injured.

In our industry, we must progress, continue to study and provide quality care for our clients. If we are not, we are not being true to ourselves.