Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Medical Fitness Association

Please join me at the Medical Fitness Conference to be held in Orlando, Florida on December 4th at 4:00 - 5:30 p.m. The title of my presentation is "Two-Way Street: Reciprocity for a Successful MES Program." I look forward to see you there!!

A pdf of the slides outlining the presentation is available here.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Club Industry

Thanks to everyone who attended my workshops in Chicago at Club Industry '09. Economy recovery: Are YOU Ready for “Exercise as Preventative Medicine” Business? I encourage you all to try and begin interacting with the physicians, surgeons, physical therapists, Physician assistants, etc within your community. There is so much power in care for our clients/patients when we collaborate and are working together for the betterment of their recovery or post rehabilitation. Good luck to you.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Northeast Seminars - Mark Comerford

My brain is on overload but a "good" overload. I just returned from "Assessment and Motor Control Retraining of the Integrated Local Cylinder for the Lumbo-Pelvic Region". This was a Physical Therapy conference held in Chicago with Mark Comerford, PT. Mark is from Australia and travels to the US to give multiple seminars throughout the year.

Since my specialty is orthopedic, especially spinal dysfunction, injuries, etc., it was right up my alley. Even though there were some modalities that are beyond my scope, there were lots of musculoskeletal skills that I did learn and can do when working with clients.

You can never learn enough and having the opportunity to travel and attend educational conferences keeps all of us, especially me, in the "know" and up to speed in helping and assisting our clientele.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

4 keys to Success as a Fitness Pro

Pat Rigsby posted this on his last Blog.........I truly believe this as well. We have to continue to invest in our education....we can't sit still, we must keep moving and keep improving. Thank you Pat!!! Excellent. Read on.......

1. Keep getting better at your craft.

Marketing didn't get the speakers on the Perform
Better circuit - being great at what they do got
them there. Identify what you've learned about
becoming a better trainer or coach in the last 30
days. If you can't think of at least one thing that's
made you better at training - you're slacking.

2. Deliver.

Not just results. Deliver results, an experience
and all the other things that turn your clients into
raving fans EVERY DAY. You have to be on top of
your game every sessions and you have to do the
'little things' in between (personal emails, calls,
notes, etc) that let clients know that you're in
their life to deliver results and help them reach
their goals...not just to sell them stuff.

3. Do What Matters Most.

You should be focusing on high return marketing
activities like networking, public speaking and
generating referrals. You should be finding better
ways to leverage your time by creating systems,
running bootcamps or semi-private training. Look
for ways to continually make your time more

4. Invest in Your Education.

You're either getting better or getting passed by.
You should be reading, watching DVDs, listening
to audios and going to live events. You should
consider coaching, mentorships or mastermind
groups. If you're reading this, you're not an
average fitness pro - so don't settle for an
average business or an average income.

There you have it - 4 keys to take you to the
next level.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

ACE Functional Training and Assessent Workshop

AMAZING!!! The American Council on Exercise has developed a new Assessment Workshop. It is a combination of many tools and assessment pieces that will truly establish the necessary information to intellectually and practically create a program design for your client. Whether this client is involved in Spinning, group fitness, pilates, or personal training, this assessment will truly 'set the stage'. The eight hour workshop has been well developed.

There are many Functional Training programs available, and the American Council on Exercise has brought another to the "table" will receive respect and admiration. Use it, and let's take care of our clients.

If you have further questions, don't hesitate to contact me at wmsonwa@aol.com

Have a great week.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Fitness Pro article

On July 7th this article was published on Club Industry Fitness Pro......take a look on "Training Staff for Program Design Progression" It along with assessments advances trainers to the next level......

View the article here

Like I have said in the past, until we can assess and determine the need, we will not create "personal" into our training. This is old news but the message has NOT be received, nor implemented everywhere. Have a great weekend.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Advanced TRX

The last weekend in June, I was in San Francisco to begin developing the use of the TRX for special populations. With the law of angles, progression, body assistance at all levels, this suspension cables can be used for anyone. How exciting!!! The majority of those in attendance were physical therapists. They provided insight as did I in how we can adapt the TRX for everyone. It is coming, so be prepared and ready.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

TRX Training

TRX Training met me square in Chicago this past weekend. This amazing piece of apparatus can train the entire body, young and old, fit or de-conditioned, injuried or going through post-rehabilitation. There is a niche and truly believe we have not begun to see the benefit and successes that the TRX can provide. Have I mentioned that the TRX is cost-effective too. Check it out and let them know I sent you to check it out.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Hyper Mobile

Hyper mobile: a condition also called loose joint. This is commonly found in young girls that are in gymnastics, cheer leading, dance, etc. Often the hyper mobility occurs in the lumbo-pelvic area, or hip area. Even Mary Lou Retton, Olympic Champion, has had a hip replacement (June 24, 2005) as a result of over use and ultimately hyper mobility. The damage to the joint area includes ligamentous structures of the joint, increase quantity of joint translation and muscular imbalances (Panjabi, 1992)

Joint Stability is critical to our young athletes. Too often today, we have middle/high school students actively participating in year round athletics. Their bodies are growing, and developing. We don't allow time for the muscles to "catch-up" to the skeletal development. Often conditions such as Osgood Slaughter creep in since they are not resting during the so-called "off-season", since there really is none.

If we are to have students competing year round, they need to have counter muscle strengthening to the repetition of their sport. Tennis players need to work rotator cuff muscles, rhomboids, scapula retraction and depression. Swimmers need to have a program where they stabilize their shoulder girdle, such as rotator muscles, and eventually deltoid muscles. So much can be done to assist young athletes if directed and carefully approaching their program design for strength and growth development.

Think about this......so many injuries are occurring now earlier than before. Joint stabilization is critical.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Did you know?

Two of the local unit "core" muscles are the transverse abdominus (TvA) and the multifidi muscles. When the TvA is engaged, the multifidus is also engaged. BUT just because the multifidus is engaged does not necessarily mean the TvA is engaged. These muscles will engage eventually, but our recruitment of these muscles is the key. If we have abdominal dysfunction or possible low back pain, we have to retrain the muscles to "fire" quicker than they have been during dysfunction. This takes time and practice of isometric holds, such as the bird dog exercise, planks (hovers) or quick release band isometric holds.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Did you know?

A healthy back depends on proper function in the pelvis and hips.”

“Power is usually generated at the hips and not the low back in most athletes.”

“The pelvis is a platform for the spine.”

Saturday, March 21, 2009

IHRSA - San Francisco

Wow, what an experience. The trade show was magnificent with the TRX, ACTIVE CORE, NAUTILUS, PRECOR, STAR TRAC, SPRI, ACE, IDEA, NASM, NSCA, TRUE, and on and on and on. I experienced two pieces of stretching equipment by Technogyn that was terrific. One stretched the gastrocnemius, soleus, hamstring muscles, while the other machine stretched the hip flexor, quadricep, periformis, etc.

The seminars were enlightning with advice and wisdom on business management within this economy to training fitness professionals. Good stuff. Attendees were from all across the world. I had the pleasure of meeting individuals from Canada, Belgium, Austria, Australia, Germany, Japan, and many other countries.

More to come..........

Thursday, March 12, 2009

IHRSA Bound, San Francisco

San Francisco is the sight of this year's IHRSA Convention. Speaking on Thursday, March 19th only to be followed by the fabulous Deb Torres, Olympic Medalist. I will be blogging throughout the week of the greatest opportunities, equipment, and fellowship. Stay tuned.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

New blog

Welcome to Wendy's blog. This will be a wonderful addition to my website in the hopes of sharing some insight as well as stories that will enrich your understanding of physical conditions and the exercise prescription. In addition, this site will allow me interaction with "folks" from around the world.