Sunday, September 20, 2009

Northeast Seminars - Mark Comerford

My brain is on overload but a "good" overload. I just returned from "Assessment and Motor Control Retraining of the Integrated Local Cylinder for the Lumbo-Pelvic Region". This was a Physical Therapy conference held in Chicago with Mark Comerford, PT. Mark is from Australia and travels to the US to give multiple seminars throughout the year.

Since my specialty is orthopedic, especially spinal dysfunction, injuries, etc., it was right up my alley. Even though there were some modalities that are beyond my scope, there were lots of musculoskeletal skills that I did learn and can do when working with clients.

You can never learn enough and having the opportunity to travel and attend educational conferences keeps all of us, especially me, in the "know" and up to speed in helping and assisting our clientele.